How do I get or replace a library card?


If you are an SJSU student, faculty, or staff, your SJSU Tower card serves as your library card. To log in to your Library Account, you will use your SJSU ID number and SJSUOne password. If your Tower Card is lost, stolen or damaged, contact the Bursar's Office at (408) 924-1610. The replacement cost is $5. 

In order to check out items from the public library, you will need a San Jose Library card. Apply for an SJPL library card here or go to the circulation desk in the King Library or at one of the branches. If you need a replacement library card, visit any branch of the San Jose Library or contact (408) 808-2000.

San José Public Library patrons who want an SJSU library card should see SJSU Library Account for SJPL Patrons.


  • Last Updated Oct 29, 2024
  • Views 16837
  • Answered By Jeff Frank

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Comments (3)

  1. Covid19 Makes it difficult to come in to renew my card. Anyway I can renew online?
    by Reg Gazay on Mar 31, 2020
  2. I believe if you use the Librarian "Chat" during operating days and times they can help you with obtaining your library card info and renewal. I used this option a few days ago. I didn't have my card with me and I needed it to reserve something and it worked out very well for me online. Good Luck
    by Diane on Mar 25, 2021
  3. So in answer to your question. Library services answered your question for you. So my response was partially incorrect and partially correct. So disreard my previous post altogether so no one is confused about "CHAT" services. Chat does not renew card services electronically. See the library post regarding renewal. Chat is convenient for a variety of online services that may require memebership or may not but either way you can inquire with them online to learn more about your particulat optuons on case by case basis. But Chat was very helpful for me in identifying what my library card number was after I provided verifyable information first. Since I did not have it handy in my possession at the time and needed it for online services/resources. They are great! In regards, to renewals no you cannot do that online apparently. However, if you need to check something out or use online services the chat may be able to assist you in enabling you to use those features, services on case by case basis depending on what it is your trying to access.
    by Diane on Mar 25, 2021