I have a specific citation for an article. How do I get the full text?


There are a number of methods for SJSU students, faculty, and staff to obtain full-text articles using the information from specific citations:

A. You can enter the title of the article in the search box on the Google Scholar tab on the library website to see if the article is freely available in PDF or HTML formats or if there is FindIt@SJSU icon to click on to take you to a list of databases where the article may be stored. More information on using Google Scholar

B. If you have a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) or a PMID (PubMed Identifier), enter either piece of information in the appropriate field on the Citation Linker page.

C. If you wish to search for the journal title, follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to the Electronic Journals Index.
  2. Input the journal title from your citation to see if your issue is available electronically. Make sure that the year range matches the year of your citation.  Click the link that matches and navigate to the specific year/volume to find the article.
  3. Check the library catalog for print versions if we don't have the journal electronically. Check to make sure the exact year you need is included.  Print journals can't be taken out of the library, so bring a USB drive to scan the article or change to make copies at 20 cents a page.
  4. Request via interlibrary loan if we don't have it electronically or in print.



  • Last Updated Oct 28, 2024
  • Views 276
  • Answered By Emily Chan

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