What are the dataset size limits on ScholarWorks?


As a general guideline, we recommend individual files be no larger than 1 GB, with the total dataset not exceeding 5 GB. Additionally, to ensure smooth operation in our digital repository, the number of files should be kept below 15. (File downloads from ScholarWorks may be slow, even for files ranging from 1 to 2 GB, potentially posing challenges for users attempting to access large files.)

SJSU ScholarWorks as a Data Repository:

Sharing research data fosters transparency, reproducibility, and scientific advancement. Making your data publicly available can enhance the visibility and impact of your research. Depositing datasets in SJSU ScholarWorks makes them both accessible and citable.


  • Last Updated Dec 16, 2024
  • Views 36
  • Answered By Hyokyung (Carrie) Hwang

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